
And I thought I was so HOT

The year is 1990. I am living for the summer in Simcoe, Ontario with my best friend's family. Let me tell you a little bit about Simcoe. It's population then was 24,000 people. The closest City is Brantford, Ontario. The home of Wayne Gretzky. Personally I would beg to differ that Brantford is a city, but indeed it is. Walter Gretzky holds a hockey tournament every December. I've had the trememdous honour of meeting him and he is a true Gentleman.

Other than Brantford, there isn't much around Simcoe. There is Port Dover, and Turkey Point, which are nice to visit in the summer. You can stroll along the Boardwalk, get fat french fries and soft ice cream. Other than that, you have a lot of tobacco farms and a large Mennonite Community (simmilar to the Amish)

The big events that stand out in my mind that summer are:

Iraq invading Kuwait. What a tumultuous time. It was a chance for the first Bush to stick his nose where it doesn't belong....nevermind, that's for another post.

The Berlin Wall coming down. It was something happening at the time to me then. Now I get chills when I see footage of it. I didn't understand the magnitude of this event.

**The Bar I worked at was called Johnny Bo's. The cook in the back went 'home' to Germany that summer and grabbed a back pack full of pieces of the Wall. Before the Police started arresting people for it. He brought them back for us. I still have that piece, with graffiti and all. It's in a baseball case at my Mom's house.**

The huge event in my 20th year was the Friendship Festival Queen Pagent.....no I am not kidding. I wanted that title so badly. Nevermind that the World around us was shifting. War in the Middle East was imminent. Communism was being torn down literally by the people themselves. People of Eastern Germany were walking freely through West Berlin for the first time in 30 years. Peopole were seeing relative they had never met before. People were embracing complete strangers. It was a cause for complete celebration.

And I wanted a crown on my head and the title of Friendship Festival Queen.

Well we went through the interview process, then the onstage pagent. No there wasn't a bikini or talent portion. However, you did have to know about Simcoe and the community. You had to get up in the Community Centre and tell the crowd of 250 people why you were worthy of the title. You also had to answer a series of questions. When I get nervous, I stutter and speak even faster than I normally do. I had the lady across the street work with me for weeks. Seriously, on poise, speech, sitting, you name it. I bought a new dress, got my hair, nails and make up professionally done for this event. I was so nervous I almost peed my pants. I got up and blanked on my 'speech'. However, they asked the questions first. I did pretty good and then winged my way through my speech. Basically saying I was new to the area but they welcomed me, I volunteered at the woman shelter (fact) blah blah. Anywhoo, I was runner up. The 'girl' that got it was 30 years old and it was her 4th attempt at the title.

So off we go. Breakfast with the Mayor, parades, opening nail salons, charity events. Now please do not think this was posh. My next big event??? Trudy couldn't make this one, she had another one to attend, so they sent me to.....

A Tomato Festival! Yes, Ladies and Gentleman. A few towns over, with a population of about 12, (don't blink, you'll miss it) was holding their annual Tomato Fest and they needed a Queen.

Enter Sheri

So I dress myself in, of course, a red dress, do the updo on the hair. It was about 105 degrees out that day. They put me on this gorgeous red corvette type car. Apparently a very HOT ROD type car. As we were waiting for the big ol' parade (yes a parade) to start people were asking about it.

Them: Man, that's a smokin' car, what year is it?
Me: It's.....nice isn't it?
Them: Ya, what year is it?
Me: I don't know, but I get to ride in.
Them: Lucky you.

I could have cared less what year it was, lets get to the parade so they can announce ME. People will cheer and my overflated ego will be satisfied

So off we go. We round the corner and they announce me as the Tomato Queen and people go nuts. I wave and smile. The crowd is singing some song, honestly banners were waving and there were tomatoes everywhere. I was tossing candy into the crowd, it was magic! When the car would stop, little kids would run up for candy. I had males coming up to shake my hand. Hey, I was a dish in my youth, plus the strapless red dress with the cleavage helped. (Can you say corny fucking movie of the week?)

So near the end of the parade we stop. And this younger guy is taking pictures. He's saying, "Yes, totally HOT." And taking picture after picture. And I am thinking. "Wow, I knew I looked pretty good today, holy shit! Yup, I am IT" He cannot get over himself. He starts to walk over to me, and I am thinkiing, "Yup, he's coming over....kiss his cheek Sheri, give him a thrill...okay, sit up straight, smile....." He walks up to me, he looks shy. So I break the ice, I extend my hand and say, "Hel...."

He pipes up: "Um I am sorry Miss *cough* Tomato, I want to get a real good picture of the car. Would you mind getting off??

I am sure that my jaw dropped. I stammered out some response and got out of the car. I was absolutely fumming as I stood there on the side of the road for 10 mins while he took picture of the hot car and not me!

That's what I get for being so full of myself in the first place.....God how annoying I must have been!

Of course I telling this story to one of my Mom's friends the other day. Both my Mom and I laughed so hard as I was telling it -why? Because it's hilarious!

Aka The Tomato Chick


Chris said...

Hilarious! I loved it. I missed your stories.

Steph said...

Hahahaha! Ohh you poor thing.
Funny though ;)

Sheri said...

Chris: I didn't realise that people missed the stories. I've got so many of them. That one is simply hilarious. I laugh myself silly when I tell it.

Steph: Oh I was so pissed off at the time. I mean I was THE TOMATO FESTIVAL QUEEN! (lmao). It's that a hoot?