
Why I am an idiot #1

Actually there have been many reasons but this is the first time I am posting, so let's start at #1 shall we?

Saturday night.

Hubby and I decide to take the daughters to Swiss Chalet for dinner. They've got their Festive Special dinner started and I love it. We wanted the girls to try it, so off we go.

It's busy so we have to wait in line. The girls are taking tap dancing lessons, and they have a homework assignment. They have to create a dance with six taps from what they've learned so far. Mariah was practicing. She was trying different steps to see which she preferred. Emilie was off in lala land. Personally I don't think she so interested in that part of tap dancing. I think she just likes the way the tap shoes sound to be honest. She was actually doing ballet in the middle of the waiting area.

So back to Mariah. She's doing her thing. Their teacher likes them to do a big pose at the end. Mariah was doing a little one, sort putting her arms into herself. We were in a corner waiting as she was doing this. I was giving her pointers, telling how great her tap moves were and how fabulous she is at tapping (no lie, she is improving) Being the over-the-top girl that I am, I said, "Mariah you're pose, it has to be grand. You've done a great tap dance that you made up all by yourself! Be proud honey; put your arms out like this!" I do a fantastic pose, swooping out both of my arms.....punching the man, standing behind me, straight in the face!

Now people I am not talking a little slap. I got him good. He immediately grabbed his nose.

I turned, "Ohmygoodness! I am sooo sorry. Are you okay?"
Him: No. That hurt!
Me: *stammering* I uh. I was trying to show my daughter how to pose for her dancing.
Him: Do you always do it in a restaurant?
Me: I didn't realise you were behind me (we were practically in the corner)
Him: I was waiting in line to put my name down on the list
Hubby: Oh we've got our name down already. You just have to go up and put it down.

The Gentleman goes and puts his name down and leaves to get his wife and children.

Hubby: Jesus Sheri, you should be more careful.
Me: Well I didn't know he was there for heaven sakes! God I feel like a frickin' boob!

The Gentleman and his family come back in and stand next to us. He looks at me and steps far away from me. I almost started laughing, I mean c'mon. I am 5'2, I weight 118lbs (you figure out the metric) It's not like I laced the guy and broke his nose for God sakes. Ask my old kick boxing partner, I punch like a wimp. I apologise once again (note he didn't accept it before) He says that's fine, but doesn't look too pleased. His wife looks at me all snot nose like and says to her hubby,

"She hit you???"
Him: Yes, it was an accident.
Her: Well did she apologise? (Uh McFly, I just did)
Him: Yes, she did. It's all okay.
Her: Well why would she hit you? (she's glaring at me)

Now I want to punch wife in mouth for being such a bitch. But luckily for her they call our name and we sit for our dinner.

Guess who they sat in the booth beside us?


Steph said...

Hahahaha! I once whacked a man in the balls walking down the street.
I was swinging my arms and got him a good one.
Well the fucker shouldn't have been standing so close.

Chris said...

Soooo funny! God, that was so good! Thank you for making me laugh.

Bea said...

lovely! lmao

Sheri said...

Steph: He had to have been standing pretty close for you clock him like that..LOL good one!

Chris: I am glad it made you laugh. I was laughing my head off writing the post. The man actually looked afraid of me! I mean, look at my fist in the picture. Does that look like it could cause serious damage??

Bea: Welcome back :)