
My Step-Father and Kept Woman

Aren’t I a dish?? Or not….webcam pictures always suck. I look like I’ve put far too much botox in my face! Not guilty by the way.

My sister ran into my ex step dick Dad's parents the other day at the mall. I guess that would make them my old Grandparents. Anywhoo. She hadn’t seen them in many years as she had lived on the other side of the country for 12 years. They were very nice Grandparents actually and I have to admit to missing having them in my life. *My Mom and step dick haven’t been together in years*. She’s catching up with them, telling them about her life and what she’s doing. How my Mom is and such. Then they get on the subject of moi. They knew that I had Kyle, so sister tells them I have two more children. Two lovely girls but fails to tell them I am married. Why would this bother me? Well gather round and let me tell you.

From the time that I was about 12 years old or so step dick, we’ll just call him Dick for short. Dick would tell me that I would grow up to be either a welfare mom or a "Kept Woman"***. I knew that I didn’t want to be a welfare mom; I was going to be a famous actress. I wasn’t exactly sure what a kept woman was but if it was coming from him, it didn’t sound much better.

*** woman who has a continuing, extramarital sexual relationship with one man, esp. a man who, in return for an exclusive and continuing liaison, provides her with financial support.***

I loved school. I did well and excelled at most of my subjects. Okay, so math and science I could live without but English, French, History, Drama, and Social Studies. I loved them all. When I was about 14 years old, I started auditioning for commercials and parts in Toronto. Not a lot of them, but a few here and there. I enjoyed acting, I don’t get nervous, and going to a “big” city was fun. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the grooming or an agency behind me. We couldn’t afford to have my Mom cart me around from audition to audition at a moments notice, it just wasn’t a possibility. Of course Dick always had an answer. He said, “The only role you would be good at playing is a bitch – it wouldn’t be a stretch.” “Even if you did make it, you’d be a child star and then a washed up junkie by the time you reached 21 anyway.” “Welfare moms do not become famous; don’t set your sights so high”

Can you imagine someone saying this to his 14 year old Step Daughter?? Can you imagine the effect it would have on her self esteem?

Well being the ballsy girl that I am, I would just tell him to fuck off go to my room, play my music as loud as I could and think of the day I would be famous or successful or out the house and away from this man. **Sister moved to the other side of the country to be away from him…this speaks volumes**

What it didn’t stop me from doing is auditioning for school plays. I took Drama, signing, dancing, you name it. I was good at it, my report card showed it, as did the parts I received in school plays. I did play a floozy in one skit which was hilarious, then again, that was art imitating life :oP For years this man trampled my dream, but not my spirit. I always knew that it would be better and that with work and determination I would succeed. Now I did not become the famous Marilyn Monroe actress I wanted to be, but I am fine with that. Every once in a while I do get an itch to sing, dance and act my heart out. A good friend of mine is a drama teacher and a theatre actress, she’s always telling me, “Sheri, come out and audition. You would be great!” One of these days I just may do that.

As for the Dick’s prediction of my welfare aspirations, he was off target. Am I a kept woman? Nah, I was never so lucky ;o)

I have thought over the last couple of days, about him thinking about me not being married, but having three kids. And in reality do I care? No, I don’t give a shit, because I never did in the first place.


Bea said...

Go for it Sher!

Chris said...

What a DICK! I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but I am glad it didn't dash your self-esteem. My father crushed mine for years, and it took me a while to recreate my own. But I think you should pursue your love in any small way you can.

btw, are you still reading? I haven't seen you on mine for a while. Just wondering...

Sheri said...

Bea: When you go for your radio gig, which you were excellent at by the way!!! I will do the acting. How's that for a deal ;o)

Chris: I wouldn't let a man of such insignificance (sp) crush my self esteem. You know he never said such things in front of my Mother. Luckily she wasn't with him for long, unfortunately it was during my formative years.

Oh I am still reading, always :o) Honey anything that has to do with sex, I read!

I hope you're well.

Steph said...

What a complete waste of DNA. You should look that wank stain up and give him a good, swift kick in the goolies.

Thank God your mum left him.

P.S. You's HAWT!! :P

Sheri said...

Steph: Well apparently he's working in a factory now, sorting filthy car parts for nothing an hour. He's a slob of a man who amounted to nothing. Although kicking him in the goolies would be very satisfying.

Thanks for the compliment :o)

Chris said...

Tag! Read Six Wicked Things on my blog; then it's your turn.

Cazzie!!! said...

Hi Sheri, Carolyn here from Down Under..came upon your blog from Stef in Sydney.
Any how, I just read this post. It made me mad at all the Dick's in the world and glad for you that you have done so well and stood up through it all.
I am a mum of 4 kids under 9yrs old. I work as a nurse. My dad pissed off with his new wife when I had my 1st baby, and my mum doesn't wanna see us so she has no clue about even being a grandma. It used to bother me but now it doesn't, we have to live for our own little family ya know.
Anyhow,I think you should go visit my friend, Comic Mummy. After getting hitched and having had 2 kiddletts, she has only just hit her peak , or maybe not even yet, in the comedy industry, having gotten a scholarship of sorts and having toured famous comedy strips of USA in the process to learn new things.

Cazzie!!! said...

http://comicmummy.blogspot.com/ there is Comic Mummy's link, :)